Female partners make only 56 cents on the dollar. How do we fix that?
Female partners make only 56 cents on the dollar. How do we fix that?
Women have to be more vocal about wanting promotions. It isn’t fair (or legal), but for now it’s also true.
It has been known for some time that women suffer from higher rates of depression and anxiety than men. Recently, many news outlets reported on a study that shows that these higher rates are correlated with the pay gap. While women who had similar income to male counterparts had a similar risk of depression and […]
In late 2014, the Sony Pictures email hack revealed a substantial gender-based pay gap. Of the most notable revelations was that Oscar winner Jennifer Lawrence was paid substantially less than her male co-stars for her role in American Hustle. The hack also revealed that Hannah Minghella, co-president of Columbia Pictures, earns almost $1 million less […]
Arbitration agreements are quickly becoming employers’ best and most common defense against class action lawsuits by their employees. As discussed in the recent New York Times article “Arbitration Everywhere, Stacking the Deck of Justice,” in addition to depriving employees of the opportunity to have their claims heard in court, arbitration agreements often waive employees’ right to […]
National media, including the New York Times, have been reporting recently that Senator Marco Rubio used a Republican Party credit card for personal items, such as the purchase of paving stones at his home, travel for a family reunion, flights, and even groceries. According to the Times, Senator Rubio has admitted spending more than $16,000 […]
Spoiler alerts Fans seem to be all over the map on the Mad Men series finale. When I watched it, I was candidly a little disappointed. But reflecting on it, I think that some of that disappointment speaks to the real world. In other words, Matthew Weiner, the show’s creator, seems to have captured the […]
In recent Q&A, I talked with Debrah Farnell, a financial advisor, about how she counsels women to make the most of their money (a subject that Kate K. has also posted on recently). I asked her whether she counsels her clients in talking about money at their job. She mentioned that her friend Anne Collier, […]
My colleague Jennifer Siegel wrote about the Fast Food Forward, or Fight for $15, campaign a few months ago. The campaign calls for fast food restaurants to raise their employees’ wages to $15 an hour. At the time, Jennifer noted some of victories the movement had achieved in the form of state legislation raising minimum […]
Many women in this country have a complicated relationship with money. Research tells us that women fear becoming bag ladies, even when they are not even close. Women are less likely than men to initiate salary increase negotiations, and whey they do they’re labeled as bitches. Overall, they are less likely to be socialized in […]
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