
Who needs representation more, people or fetuses?

I am a huge “Daily Show” fan (and cried myself to sleep when “The Colbert Report” went off the air).  Last night, Jessica Williams had an AMAZING segment on a new Alabama law authorizing judges to appoint attorneys for fetuses still in utero.  Yes, that’s right: Alabama won’t appoint an attorney to help a woman prosecute, oh, say, a pregnancy discrimination claim against her employer.  But it will give that employee’s fetus an attorney. Wow. Just wow.

You can view the entire segment here, and a shout out to Jezebel for bringing it to my attention this morning.

The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
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With all of the challenges that working women and their families face, this shouldn’t be at the top of the government’s agenda.  And, for the record, Sanford Heisler Kimpel, LLP, the law firm where I work, represents women who have been victims of pregnancy discrimination.  We do not represent fetuses.

Russell Kornblith

Russell Kornblith represents employees in all sorts of cases as a member of the NY office of Sanford Heisler, LLP .  He is proud to distinguish himself from Maya S. in that he is from Oberlin, OH – not Cleveland – home of the first college to integrate education on both race and gender lines.  He is also willing to volunteer to fly you in a prop plane to the nearest Willie Nelson concert, as he has his pilot’s license and thinks Willie is the BEST. 

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